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     "And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads."  -Revelation 7:2-3

A Bible based media ministry dedicated to end time presentations, studies, health, news, & information because Jesus is coming soon!

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Jesus IS Coming Again, Daniel 11 Says So - Tim Roosenberg

Jesus IS Coming Again!

Daniel 11 Says So

by Tim Roosenberg

This presentation gives a brief overview of the conflict between Islam and Christianity as predicted in Daniel 11. It then examines Ellen White statements to show the link between the predictions from the book of Daniel with the Loud Cry and the Return of Christ. The conclusion is that we should be preparing for the greatest evangelistic opportunity of all time followed by the return of Christ.

TIM ROOSENBERG has studied prophecy for over 25 years and has discovered that following the interpretation methods of the early church and the reformers results in the most reliable and logical understanding of Bible prophecy.

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Islam and Christianity Daniel 11 Seminar - Tim Roosenberg

Islam and Christianity Daniel 11 Seminar

by Tim Roosenberg


In this series Pastor Tim Roosenberg will share his much sought after understanding of Daniel 11. This is an abbreviated form of his 10 part Daniel 11 series "Islam and Christianity in Bible Prophecy." (Those who do not know the reformers Historicist method of prophetic interpretation may do better with the more basic 10 part series.) In this 4 part series Pastor Tim will show that much of the prophecy of Daniel 11 has already been fulfilled. In the second presentation Tim explains the 3 predicted conflicts between Islam and Christianity. He shows how two have already happened and the 3rd has entered the ‘whirlwind’ and is gaining in intensity. During the 3rd presentation Tim explains why he does not believe atheistic communism is the final King of the South, and connects E. G. White, Daniel 11 and the 'Loud Cry' .

TIM ROOSENBERG has studied prophecy for over 25 years and has discovered that following the interpretation methods of the early church and the reformers results in the most reliable and logical understanding of Bible prophecy.

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(Book printed by Review & Herald publishing)


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  • Dan 11 end
  • Dan 11;2-22
  • Dan 11;22-39
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Available Titles
Daniel 11 Seminar - Part 1.mp3
Daniel 11 Seminar - Part 2.mp3
Daniel 11 Seminar - Part 3.mp3
Daniel 11 Seminar - Part 4.mp3
Daniel 11 Update - What About ISIS?.mp3

El Islam y El Cristianismo en La Profecía Bíblica - Tim Roosenberg



El conflicto tercera y última!

por Pastor Tim Roosenberg

Los titulares son inconfundibles. Nuestro mundo está al borde de un cambio catastrófico extraordinario. El conflicto entre dos grandes religiones del mundo - el Islam y el cristianismo - se está acercando rápidamente a un clímax devastador que sacudirá al mundo entero.

En efecto, el rostro de Europa occidental ya se ha transformado a través de la expansión islámica rápido, y el temor al terrorismo y la guerra santa impregnar la mente de los norteamericanos como rabia múltiples conflictos en el Oriente Medio. Pero, ¿qué sucede después, y cuándo? En una época de incertidumbre constante, ¿cómo podemos realmente saber lo que depara el futuro? Después de una década de un cuidadoso estudio y trabajo de campo académico, conferencista internacional Tim Roosenberg revela un asombroso nuevo estudio de la profecía bíblica que demuestra que la Palabra de Dios no dice nada respecto al Islam en estos últimos días.

ISLAM Y EL CRISTIANISMO EN LA PROFECÍA cuidadosamente explora y abre el misterioso libro de Daniel, específicamente los capítulos 11 y 12,

presentando un panorama emocionante de la profecía que incluye los papeles del pasado, presente y futuro del catolicismo, el protestantismo, el islam y los Estados Unidos en el conflicto final por delante. En el camino, el pastor Roosenberg proporciona las respuestas que necesita para sobrevivir a la guerra santa que viene, las respuestas que le dará plena confianza en la Palabra de Dios y la fe en las promesas de Jesucristo.

TIM ROOSENBERG ha estudiadola profecíadurante más de 25años yha descubierto quedespués delos métodos de interpretaciónde la iglesia primitivay los resultados delos reformadoresen el conocimientomás fiabley lógica dela profecía bíblica.

TIMRoosenbergha estudiadola profecíadurante más de 25años yha descubierto quedespués delos métodos de interpretaciónde la iglesia primitivay los resultados delos reformadoresen el conocimientomás fiabley lógica dela profecía bíblica.

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Surviving Troubled Times - Tim Roosenberg

Surviving Troubled Times

by Tim Roosenberg


Are you prepared to survive in troubled times when the whole world falls apart, or when you yourself go through a personal crisis? In this presentation Tim Roosenberg examines the research on survival and shows you the characteristics of survivors. Tim discovered that the characteristics of survivors tend to parallel principles in the Bible that were given to guide us through life. You will find lots of practical practical information, and stories that illustrate the principles of surviving in troubled times. Tim will share both his own stories of rescue and survival and the stories of others. This presentation will give you tools for both spiritual and physical survival. Tim is a survivor, not a survivalist. He does believe that being mentally and spiritually prepared for trouble will not only increase the length of your life but more importantly the quality of your life. This presentation will bring laughter, tears and the settled conviction that God will bring us through, and that God will work it all out for good.

TIM ROOSENBERG has studied prophecy for over 25 years and has discovered that following the interpretation methods of the early church and the reformers results in the most reliable and logical understanding of Bible prophecy.


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(Book printed by Review & Herald publishing)


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Surviving Troubled Times - Part 1.mp3
Surviving Troubled Times - Part 2.mp3

الإسلام والمسيحية في الكتاب المقدس النبوءة (Arabic text)- Tim Roosenberg

الإسلام والمسيحية في الكتاب المقدس النبوءة

by Tim Roosenberg

تحديثالرسالة والرسومات

الكشف عنصورةمثيرةالنبوةيتضمنالأدوارفي الماضي والحاضر،والمستقبلمنالكاثوليكية والبروتستانتيةوالإسلام والولاياتالمتحدةفي الصراعالنهائيقبل.على طول الطريق،القسRoosenbergيوفرعلى الإجابات التي تحتاجهامن أجل البقاءالحربالمقدسةالقادمة، ويجيبمن شأنها أن تعطيكثقة كاملةفيكلمة اللهوالإيمانفيوعوديسوع المسيح.


TIM ROOSENBERG has studied prophecy for over 25 years and has discovered that following the interpretation methods of the early church and the reformers results in the most reliable and logical understanding of Bible prophecy.

عناوين الصحفهيلا لبس فيها.عالمناهوعلى وشكالتغييرالكارثيةغير عادية.الصراعبين اثنين منأديان العالمالكبرى-الإسلاموالمسيحية-يقترب بسرعةذروتهاالمدمر الذييهزالعالم كله.


في الواقع،وجهأوروبا الغربيةوقد تم بالفعلتحويلمن خلال التوسعالإسلاميالسريع،والخوف منالإرهابوالحربالمقدسةتسودالنفسية الأميركيةمع استمرار الصراعاتالمتعددةفي منطقة الشرقالأوسط.ولكن مايحدث بعد ذلك،ومتى؟في عصرعدم القدرة على التنبؤالمستمر، كيف يمكننا أننعرف حقاما يخبئه المستقبل؟بعد عشر سنوات مندراسة متأنيةويغووركالعلماء،المتحدثتيمRoosenbergالدولية، يكشف عندراسةمذهلةجديدة مننبوءةالكتاب المقدسالذي يوضحأنكلمة اللهليست صامتةبشأنالإسلام فيهذه الأيام الأخيرة.


الإسلام والمسيحيةفي النبوءةيستكشفبعناية ويفتحالكتابالغامضدانيال،تحديداالفصول11 و 12،

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(كتاب مطبوعمن قبلدار النشراستعراض وهيرالد)



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01 -أساسيات.mp3
02 -ملكالشمالوالقليلالوحشالمسيح الدجالالقرن.mp3
03 -دورالولاياتالمتحدةفي النبوءة.mp3
04 -دورإسرائيلفي النبوءة.mp3
05 -دور الإسلامفي النبوءة.mp3
06 -اخبارمن الشرقوعلامة الوحش.mp3
07 -عندماتقفمايكللأعلى.mp3
08 -إن أسوأ وقتمن أي وقت مضىمنالمتاعب.mp3
09 -يسوعتنقذ الناسله.mp3
10 -الألفية والأرض الجديدة.mp3

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