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"And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." -Revelation 7:2-3
A Bible based media ministry dedicated to end time presentations, studies, health, news, & information because Jesus is coming soon!
Recommended Links
www.adventist.org - Official website of the Seventh-day Adventist church
www.whiteestate.org - Official Ellen G. White website
www.grisda.org - Geoscience Research Institute - An Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
www.oregonconference.org - Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Seventh-day Adventist Publishing
www.adventistbookcenter.com - Adventist Book Center (ABC)
www.PacificPress.com - The Pacific Press® Publishing Association, established in 1874, is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its sole purpose is to uplift Jesus Christ in communicating biblical teachings, health principles, and family values many languages‚ through various types of printed materials, video products, and recordings of Christian music.
www.absg.adventist.org - Seventh-day Adventist Church - Adult Bible Study Guide Online
www.signstimes.com - Signs of the Times - A Seventh-day Adventist Publication
www.adventistreview.org - Adventist Review - A Seventh-day Adventist Publication
www.MinistryMagazine.com - Ministry Magazine - A Seventh-day Adventist Publication for ministers of all faiths
www.gleaneronline.org - Northwest Adventists in Action
www.pacificunionrecorder.com - The Pacific Union Recorder Online
www.SabbathSchool.com - Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School Quarterlies
www.deafadventist.org - Making a Difference in the Lives of Deaf People
www.3abn.org - "Broadcasting the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide"
www.acn.info - ACN, the Adventist Communication Network, is the satellite media distribution service for the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
www.hopetv.org - Watch the Hope Channel video live on your computer
www.hopevideo.com - Hope Media is dedicated to spreading the Word of God to all people in all media formats
www.adventistsat.com - Adventist Satellite Systems & Electronics - Buy the equipment and watch 3ABN, Hope Channel, etc, FREE!
Northern Idaho Regional Campmeeting - Welcome to our 10th Annual North Idaho Campmeeting in Bonners Ferry Idaho! Everyone is welcome to attend!
www.amazingfacts.org - "God's Message is Our Mission"
www.amazingfactskids.org - September 12-20 - Join Pastor Doug Batchelor for this powerful and unique Bible study experience designed for kids between the ages of 8 and 12. Filled with amazing facts and exciting spiritual discoveries around every corner! [Learn more ...
] Register your church or home site now
and watch your kids make lifelong decisions for Jesus! Sign-up now to get email updates
! (click here to watch the video
www.amazingfacts.tv - Find out answers to many Bible questions at the Amazing Facts Television ministry.
www.itiswritten.org - "A deeply spiritual ministry passionate about communicating the gospel to the world."
www.bibleuniverse.com - "The Ultimate Bible Website"
www.bibleuniversity.com - At Bible University you can study truth filled courses that are built on God's Word as the core foundation.
www.sdadefend.com - Concerned Advent Believers Pleading for a Return to Our Historic Beliefs and Standards - Many excellent books, cd's DVD's and other resources!
www.endtimeinsights.com - End Time Revelation Insights with Steve Wohlberg
www.whitehorsemedia.com - Proclaiming His Salvation, Truth and Triumphant Return (Steve Wohlberg)
www.littlebookopen.org - An In Depth Study of prophetic history and soon to be repeated prophecy!
In Newness of Life - Here you will find information to help you in Spirit-led living.
www.omegaprojectministries.org - Home of Omega Project Ministries
www.gospelministry.org - Gospel Ministry International continues striving to fulfill God's calling, providing help to those in need and sharing the wonderful news of our soon returning Jesus with those who have not yet heard.
www.goaim.org - "Gospel Outreach is dedicated to extending the international ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in what's known as the 10/40 Window
of the world. It provides funding for native workers in some of the world's poorest countries."
www.petheaven.info - Will my pet go to heaven?
www.powerofgodministry.org - POWER of GOD Ministry exists for one sole purpose; to put God given tools into the hands of "those who are called according to His purpose"* and who take Jesus' great commission as outlined in Matthew 28:18-20 as this purpose!
Ancient Chinese: Language of God? - Ancient Chinese Characters, Coincidence or Design? (Alternative link
www.lmn.org - Laymen Ministries is a Christian organization for laymen, run by laymen, and dedicated to the lay worker.
www.answersforme.org - Free support for life's questions and issues.
www.iiw.org/discover - Online Bible studies from It Is Written
Bible and Spirit of Prophecy questions answered
www.sabbathtruth.com - Sabbath questions answered
www.tencommandmentfacts.com - Ten Commandment Facts and Study Materials
www.truthaboutdeath.com - There is no room for guessing on this topic. You owe it to yourself to investigate this website and discover what the Bible says really happens when a person dies and know the truth about death.
www.helltruth.com - leads seekers on an odyssey of truth, exploring passages of the Bible in-depth and making sense about God's character.
www.bibleinfo.com - Get real answers to any Bible question
www.marytruth.com - The Truth About Mary Magdalene
Sealing Time Ministries Resources
www.SabbathAnswers.com - Questions about the Sabbath? Get Bible based answers here.
www.BiblicalTestsofaProphet.com - Biblical Tests of a Prophet - Another Sealing Time Ministries study resource website launched! - Questions about the gift of prophecy? Get Bible based answers here!
The Great Controversy Online project
144 NEW FRONT-LINE web sites for the Lord!
(Content for the following sites has not been posted yet, but is being worked on at a rapid pace.)
www.SignsofChristsReturn.com - Coming Soon!
www.GodsLastDayChurch.com - Coming Soon!
www.JudgmentsofGod.com - Coming Soon!
www.TheShaking.com - Coming Soon!
www.LittleTimeofTrouble.com - Coming Soon!
www.GreatTimeofTrouble.com - Coming Soon!
Internet Video Evangelism Outreach
www.GodTube.com/SealingTime - Our video outreach presence at GodTube.
www.YouTube.com/SealingTime - Our video outreach presence at YouTube.
Many more soon to be announced!
Disk 1 The Fall of Satan The Fall of Man Disk 2 The Flood The Children of Israel The Life of Christ
| Disk 3 The Dark Ages/Reformation The Last Days The Second Coming Disk 4 The Judgment The New Earth
On this exciting Great Controversy Under Construction Site, Amazing Facts will keep you up to date on all of the latest steps in the Great Controversy Production. Join our team as they proceed step by step through this history making adventure! The Great Controversy Production Site will enable you to keep up with all of our current changes.
See "behind the scenes progress" and inspiring art in all phases of development. View the thrilling visual steps of the Great Controversy Production as they happen!
www.finalevents.com - Watch Bible prophecy come to life as this amazing 43-minute documentary unfolds the dramatic events of tomorrow. Hosted by author and evangelist Pastor Doug Batchelor this stunning DVD features special effects along with a rich music soundtrack. It's great video for church & youth groups as well as private study.
www.afcoe.org - The Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) has a school for dynamic soul-winners. We offer various programs in effective evangelism, including a four-month college-accredited evangelism program. Pastors and lay people, young and old, benefit from our intense and practical training. We cover a broad range of topics, including counseling, personal evangelism, public evangelism, preaching, and much more.
www.empoweredchurch.org - The Empowered Church program is a distinctly Adventist approach to church growth. It is founded on solid biblical principles that incorporates inspired counsel and the distinct mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church. It is a "seek and save" approach to evangelism, where success is not measured by numbers but by conversions. This fundamental purpose permeates all aspects of the program.
www.tagnet.org - Adventist Resources on the Web
www.harvestimebooks.com - Harvestime Books is an excellent resource for books, video, audio, tracts, and colporteur supplies.
www.pathlights.com - Pathlights is an excellent resource for creation/evolution, natural remedies, Bible courses, books (both conventional and online), health information, and recipes.
www.sdadefend.com - Concerned Advent Believers Pleading for a Return to Our Historic Beliefs and Standards - (Most material by Pastor Vance Ferrell)
Generation of Youth for Christ - Generation of Youth for Christ (GYC), formerly General Youth Conference, is a grassroots Adventist movement organized and led by young adults from diverse backgrounds.
www.kidsbibleinfo.com - "Big Answers for Little People"
www.kidzvop.com - Bible study lessons for kids.
www.3abn.org/kids.cfm - The "3ABN Kids Korner"
Evangelistic Series and Revival
www.07revive.com - Amazing Facts will present a powerful 10-day revival series called
Here We Stand: Foundations of Our Faith. This live television broadcast will be an excellent opportunity to reclaim former or inactive members and for church members to introduce their friends to the distinctive teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The revival will be held in Lansing, Mich., September 7 - 15, 2007 at the Lansing Convention Center and feature Pastor Doug Batchelor, Amazing Facts president and senior pastor of Sacramento Central Church. These meetings will also be broadcast live on 3ABN throughout their worldwide satellite network.
www.prophecyseminars.com - Find a prophecy seminar near you!
www.thepresence.com - The Presence, Closer Than You Think
www.theappearing.com - The Appearing - "When You See All These Things, Know The Appearing is Near"
www.mostamazingprophecies.com - The Most Amazing Prophecies
- Join Pastor Doug Batchelor as he returns to Pioneer Memorial Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan for an exciting 10-meeting prophecy seminar. - Sept. 15-23, 8-9:30pm EST
www.05revive.com - "Drawing Near" - "Join us for a spiritual renewal of hearts and minds! Author and evangelist Doug Batchelor of Amazing Facts will break the bread of life in 10 powerful messages designed to impact the lives of not only church members, but those who no longer worship with us. (While this series is past you can still view the presentations online.)
www.04revival.com - Receive the spiritual filling you want and need to prepare for Christ's return!
www.prophecycode.com - The Prophecy Code, Bible Secrets Unlocked - A series of 20 meetings with pastor Doug Batchelor of Amazing Facts. (While this series is past you can still view the presentations online.)
Disaster Preparation & Response
www.communityservices.org - Adventist Community Services - Disaster Response - ACS is the sole Seventh-day Adventist agency in charge of disaster response in the United States & Bermuda. If a disaster occurs in the United States make sure your donation goes to ACS. Call 800.381.7171 to make donations. (Kelly and Ryan are both ACS Disaster Response volunteers.)
www.adra.org - Adventist Development & Relief Agency International - ADRA is the agency in charge of Development & Relief primarily outside of North America. Donations to ADRA are only applied to international aid and relief, and is not applied to disasters within the United States.
www.72hours.org - Basic disaster preparations. (Non-SDA but very helpful.)
www.halos.com - "Unrefuted Evidence for Earth's Instant Creation" - Fingerprints of Creation - (Excellent creation videos are available online at this site.)
www.orionfdn.org - The Orion Foundation - Evolutionists work to Suppress Collapse of the "Big Bang Theory"
It Is Written - The Fingerprints of God - A compelling look at the Golden or Divine Ratio (Fibonacci Sequence.) Could this be the fingerprints of God?
Fibonacci Numbers and Nature - An examination into the "Golden Ratio
" numbers and where they can be seen in detail in various places in creation.
The Golden Ratio - Also known as the "divine ratio" because it shows up so many places in nature. Defined and demonstrated at Wikipedia.com
www.grisda.org - Geoscience Research Institute - An Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (Excellent resources for creation evidence are available here
www.madcowboy.com - "The Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat."
Sealing Time Ministries Health Resources - Recipes, Substitutions, and Alternatives to commonly used foods.
(Health - Non Adventist)
{7T 124.2, March 10, 1900}
Nutrition MD - "This Web site is operated by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM
), which has over 6,000 member physicians interested in the role nutrition plays in good health. The information on this Web site was developed by PCRM president Neal D. Barnard, M.D.
, Rick Weissinger, M.S., R.D., Brent J. Jaster, M.D., Scott Kahan, M.D., and Amy Joy Lanou, Ph.D., in consultation with many medical and nutrition specialists." ... "Abundant evidence suggests that the most healthful diets set aside animal products and also reduce fats in general, while including large amounts of vegetables and fruits. Eliminating meat and dairy products from your diet is a powerful step in disease prevention. These products are typically high in saturated fat and cholesterol and completely devoid of fiber. They have also been specifically linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancers. Eating a low-fat, plant-based diet rich in whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables is the best way to prevent disease and increase chances of survival."
Setting Captives Free - Every day we help people just like you find freedom from habitual sins and learn to grow in grace. Our Christ-centered courses are free of charge and help people just like you escape impurity, over-eating, substance abuse, gambling, smoking and more.
The Vegetarian Express - Vegan food mixes and seasonings. All natural ingredients! No artificial anything! No hydrogenated fats! No refined sugar!
3ABN Recipes - Recipe archives from cooking segments shown on 3ABN.
Pa's Foods - Home of the lemon pickle. Vinegar-free pickles, salsa and other condiments.
WikiBooks Cookbook - Vegan food substitutions for non-vegan ingredients.
www.followyourheart.com - Home of Vegan Gourmet, soy-based cheese alternatives that taste great and really melt in the oven; and many other fine products!
www.veganstore.com - Food, clothing, body and health care items, household goods, pet care, and gifts.
www.joysoy.com - Selling soy based food products including drink mixes and mayonnaise and salad dressing replacements, cereal, candy and tofu.
- Download the entire KJV Audio Bible on MP3 FREE!
www.audio-bible.com/bible/bible.html - Listen to the KJV bible read aloud on your computer
www.e-sword.net - Excellent FREE Bible Software with many FREE add-ons.
testoftimeministries.org- A private, full phase (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) public multi-media, multi-function, support ministry, of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.