Cooking School - Neva Brackett

Cooking School

by Neva Brackett

Maple nut granola, lite and tender waffles, Scottish oat cakes, basic cream sauce, macaroni and cheese pie, veggie cutlets, tofu walnut balls, Santa Fe burritos, simple butter, peanut butter cookies, almond jewels, and whipped topping.

Neva Brackett has prepared meals for literally thousands of people. For 10 years she was the food service director at Seattle restaurants Five Loaves Deli and Bakery and The Pocket Place, where she fed over a hundred thousand people! Her skill in making healthful food delicious is legendary. Even high schoolers fall over each other to get an invitation to her home for a meal. Her cookbooks have large sections of dessert recipes–all healthful and all as tasty as can be imagined. Her recipes for “healthy” ice cream are used everywhere and loved by young and older alike.

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Available Titles
1 - Breakfast - Neva Brackett.mp3
2 - Dinner - Neva Brackett.mp3
3 - Dessert - Neva Brackett.mp3