He's On His Way - Lonnie Melashenko

He's On His Way

by Lonnie Melashenko

Who was the most colossal dare taker in salvation history? How can Adventists seize the moment and avoid fanaticism? If we forget our beginnings, will we reach our final destination? What significant revelations about our “origins” affect everything else we believe? His three sermons will wrestle with these questions—and more.

Lonnie Melashenko is a premier speaker whose gospel ministry spans 45 years as a world ambassador for his best Friend, Jesus Christ. The recipient of numerous awards for excellence in radio and television broadcasting, he preaches to millions "on air" as well as at personal appearances for 25 to 30 different audiences annually. For nearly 18 years he served as speaker/director for the Voice of Prophecy, the world's second oldest religious broadcast, which celebrates its 85th birthday in 2014.

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Available Titles
1 - Promises to Keep.mp3
2 - Missing the Message.mp3
3 - The Power of One.mp3