Doc, Just Take Away This Pain (2009 NRLA) - Jay Sloop

Doc, Just Take Away This Pain

by Jay Sloop

Jay Sloop is a Loma Linda graduate with many years spent as an OB-GYN. For 15 years he worked at Total Health Lifestyle Center, teaching and practicing patient care. He had his own OB-GYN private practice in Yakima, Washington from 1969-2005. Since 2005, Sloop has been the Director of Health Services for the Upper Columbia Conference of SDA. His duties include teaching and assisting communities in presenting lifestyle change programs in the Inland Northwest.

Jay Sloop is a Loma Linda graduate with many years spent as an OB-GYN. For 15 years he worked at Total Health Lifestyle Center, teaching and practicing patient care. He had his own OB-GYN private practice in Yakima, Washington from 1969-2005. Since 2005, Sloop has been the Director of Health Services for the Upper Columbia Conference of SDA. His duties include teaching and assisting communities in presenting lifestyle change programs in the Inland Northwest.

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Available Titles
1 - Doc, Just Take Away This Pain.mp3
2 - Faces of Healing, Solid Science.mp3
3 - Healing Gospel of Three Angels.mp3