The Fourth Angel - Jason Worf

The Fourth Angel

by Jason Worf

An appeal for the church to return to personal evangelism. Learn practical tips for reaching your friends, family and the world around you.

Jason Worf has spent more than ten years in personal evangelism, and is passionate about training others to be outreach leaders. Since he was sixteen, training and motivating people for personal evangelism has been his motivating passion. He has served as associate director of SOULSWest both teaching and managing day-to-day operations. Throughout his experience in house-to-house work he has visited more than 50,000 homes across the United States.

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Available Titles
1 - Nehemiah, Leader, Reformer, Layman.mp3
2 - Turning Your Church Inside Out.mp3
3 - The Loud Cry, The Latter Rain, and Gods Last Day Movement.mp3
4 - The Most Essential Work That Can be Done - Howard Paddock.mp3
5 - The Greatest Evil.mp3
6 - Health Ministry in Personal Evangelism.mp3