Blessed - Bill McVay


by Bill McVay

Bill's devotional series focuses anew on foundational truths such as the Gospel, the Sabbath, and the Second Coming with a view toward renewing our commitment in these fundamentals of our faith as Seventh-day Adventists.

Bill McVay has served as conference evangelist, departmental director, and pastor in the Southern, North Pacific, and Pacific Union Conference territories. He received his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Andrews University and is happily engaged in his favorite role, pastor of the Eureka/Orleans district in Northern California.

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Available Titles
1 - Blessed Resurrection.mp3
2 - Blessed Rest.mp3
3 - Blessed Passion.mp3
4 - Blessed Faith.mp3
5 - Blessed Trust.mp3
6 - Blessed Patience.mp3
7 - Blessed Fasting.mp3
8 - Blessed Word.mp3
9 - Blessed Hope.mp3